
Updated May 02, 2024

Gym Equipment

F9 Folding Treadmill With TFT Screen - BH Fitness

Bh Fitness Fitness Equipment

F9 Folding Treadmill with TFT Screen - BH Fitness

Built for intensive use; the F9R Folding Treadmill is ideal for avid runners and beginners alike. Fitted with exciting Touch and Fun Technology; the fully customisable touch screen allows you to adapt the best training programmes and apps and connect to TV and internet; driving your greatest workout potential. The treadmill comes complete with a wider running surface; making it all the more comfortable for you as you enjoy workouts as rigorous as you like. Featuring a powerful 4.0 CV motor; you can hit top speeds of 22km/h along with elevation up to an intensive level 12. Thanks to the easy reach control panel; the main functions are at your fingertips. Instant speed and incline keys make adapting your workout easy and safer; and you can enjoy 36 pre-set workout programmes; which include a Heart Rate Control programme and Body Fat Test. Telemetric heart rate monitoring and contact sensors allow you to keep track of how youre doing and you can see all your other workout stats - time; speed; distance; calories; pulse and incline - with ease. Thanks to the handy Soft Drop System (SDS); folding and unfolding this quality treadmill is an easy task. Transport wheels are also fitted for ease of movement from place to place...... (more)

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