
Updated May 02, 2024

Gym Equipment

NEW Commercial 1750 Folding Treadmill (NETL20719) (12 Month Family IFIT Membership Included) - NordicTrack

Nordictrack Fitness Equipment

NEW Commercial 1750 Folding Treadmill (NETL20719) (12 Month Family iFIT Membership Included) - NordicTrack

The perfect platform for cardio training at home; the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 Folding Treadmill boasts a 3.75 CHP motor to power your training sessions. The 55 x 152 cm non-stretch commercial belt offers plenty of space for all runners; no matter their stride length; while Runners Flex Cushioning means you can walk; jog or run in comfort. Max out at 22kph; adjustable via digital one touch controls; or adjust the ramp up to a 15% incline or down to a 3% decline to burn more calories; target specific muscle groups and add variety to your training. The new 1750 features an integrated 10 pivoting touch display that lets you become immersed in your workout; and includes the latest operating system for an all-round better iFit experience. With an included 1-Year Family iFit Coach membership; you can access global workouts; streaming sessions led by world-class trainers that push you further to maximise your results. Whats more; the 1750 boasts an extra 50 workouts that you can access by connecting the treadmill to WiFi. Monitor your heart rate throughout workouts with the integrated EKG grip pulse handles; while keeping cool and entertained thanks to the dual autobreeze fans and iPod compatible audio system. The NordicTrack 1750 Treadmill features a convenient Space Saver design; enabling you to store the machine is a vertical position; while the EasyLift Assist delivers a powerful shock that will help lift the deck with an easy push. ..... (more)

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