
Updated May 02, 2024

Gym Equipment

XT4700 Standard Elliptical (Standard Console) - Octane

Octane Fitness Equipment

XT4700 Standard Elliptical (Standard Console) - Octane

The top-of-the-line XT4700 Standard Elliptical Trainer is packed with all the great exclusive Octane features that make their ellipticals first class. Featuring an adjustable stride path of 20-28; the XT4700 accommodates all heights and stride preferences; while the innovative SmartStride feature analyses users pace and direction; automatically adjusting the stride length to keep things challenging. Equipped with a Standard LED console with capacitive buttons; all workout data is easily viewed; such as resistance level; of which there are 30; and programme information. With a choice of 16 programmes; users have a wide range of choice from resistance programmes; to heart rate to advanced workouts and Booster Modes; which offer the increasingly popular interval training. Fitted with contact heart rate sensors; its easy to keep track of how hard the body is working. Wireless heart rate is compatible via ANT+ and Polar. Boasting a quiet motor; exercise is smooth and non-distracting. The low step up height makes the elliptical easy to access whilst the biomechanically correct pedal spacing ensures optimum user performance. With a smaller footprint than other ellipticals and treadmills; the XT4700 is perfect for smaller spaces. Accessories include a 3-speed fan; USB port for charging capabilities; phone holder; water bottle holder; transport wheels and a replaceable headphone jack. The XT4700 Standard Elliptical is self-powered; meaning theres no need for a power supply. ..... (more)

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