
Updated May 18, 2024

Gym Equipment

Legacy Dumbbells 2 X 32-5kg - York

York Weights And Barbells

Legacy Dumbbells 2 x 32-5kg - York

The full commercial heavyweight York Legacy Dumbbells are a recreation of Yorks Solid Round Dumbbell; originally cast in York Barbells own foundry. When it comes to exceptional value; these dumbbells cant be faulted. They have been constructed from solid steel and have 33mm thick-grip; fully knurled handles. Hydraulically pressed to create a fish tail handle end; molten iron is poured around the ends to permanently embed them into the head to form a one-piece dumbbell. Practically indestructible; the result is a highly durable dumbbell that will not become loose. To improve your form and control; the handles are slightly shorter to decrease hand travel on the bar. For convenience; the dumbbell heads feature a flat spot to ensure dumbbells do not roll when not in use. Sold in pairs from 25kg - 50kg; select one pair; a range or the whole set. ..... (more)

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